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Research shows Weight Loss Procedures reduce cancer risk.

Most people take care to avoid increasing their risk of cancer. They don’t smoke, they make sure they’re not being exposed to BPA in plastic and they don’t use certain types of chemicals to kill the weeds in their yards. However, most people are unaware of an enormous risk factor they expose themselves to every day - being overweight or obese. 

While it’s common knowledge that being overweight or obese raises your risk of Type II diabetes and heart disease, it’s just in the last few years that physicians and scientist have started to understand the compelling link between higher weight and higher cancer risks.

Fat doesn’t just sit there. It is metabolically active and produces hormones such as estrogen, which is associated with a higher incidence of breast and other cancers. Fat also produces proteins which stimulate insulin production, linked to increased cell growth, another factor in cancer development. Fat causes chronic inflammation, which again raises your risk of cancer. 

Now think about where most fat is located. Most fat is visceral, in your gut, surrounding internal organs. It’s no surprise then that studies show that overweight and obese people are more likely to develop at least 13 types of cancer which affect those internal organs, including:

For each pound you gain, your risk continues to increase. This is especially dangerous for younger generations, who are heavier sooner than their parents and grandparents, and are already seeing a startling uptick in colon and colorectal cancers. For women, just an additional 11 pounds over a healthy body weight can mean a 35% increase in breast cancer - and carrying that in gut raised the risk by 56%. 

Now for the good news - research shows a decrease in the incidence and risk of cancer after weight loss procedures. When you undergo a weight loss procedure, your risk of cancer can drop by 33%! Losing weight lowers your insulin levels, lowers your hormone production levels and lowers inflammation. 

Nutritionists stress that the best way to lose weight is to cut portion sizes - which is exactly what the weight loss procedures offered by Dr. Gaston help you do - and eating real, whole  foods like vegetables, fruits and beans while cutting back on red meat and animal-based protein. 

You are careful to avoid cancer risks wherever you can. Talking to Dr. Gaston about the Orbera or AspireAssist non-surgical, minimally invasive and temporary weight loss procedures is a vitally important step in reducing your cancer risk. Your initial consultation is free, and Dr. Gaston will thoroughly explain each procedure - and introduce you to some amazing success stories from his patients. 

Call (773) 238-1126 or click here to schedule your free consultation now. Not only will you dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, you’ll reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease while looking and feeling better!

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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