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Hemorrhoids hurt - but removal doesn’t have to.

If you’re over age 50 or have ever been pregnant, chances are very good you suffer from some hemorrhoid pain. About 75% of men and women will experience hemorrhoids and the pain, burning, itching and bleeding that accompanies them. 

When you have chronic hemorrhoids, you know how life-altering they can be.

What are hemorrhoids? 

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum and anus. Internal hemorrhoids usually don’t cause pain, but they do bleed. They can get bigger and protrude from your body, at which time they can be painful. External hemorrhoids are painful and can be potentially dangerous when blood clots form inside them, causing thrombosis.  

What causes hemorrhoids?

Pinpointing the cause of your hemorrhoids can be difficult. There are many factors involved including:

• genetically weak veins

Is there a pain-free way to get rid of them?

Yes! Dr. Gaston offers painless, non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment! The minimally invasive procedure is overwhelmingly effective for the long term. A small rubber band interrupts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, shrinking and then eliminating it.

How long does it take?

Dr. Gaston will perform the procedure in minutes, right in the office. Your hemorrhoid will disappear in a matter of days. 

Can any hemorrhoid be removed this way? 

Most hemorrhoids can be treated with banding, but Dr. Gaston will do a thorough examination and history with you to make sure banding is appropriate for you. If not, other treatments can be discussed. 

If you’ve rejected surgery but are frustrated with creams and gels that don’t seem to really work, it’s time to consider another way to get rid of your hemorrhoids. Call Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants and Dr. Darrien Gaston. You can also book online, 24/7. 

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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