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All Your Questions Answered!

When the United States FDA approved the Orbera Managed Weight Loss System in Spring 2015, the non-surgical procedure had already helped thousands of people in Europe lose weight, and keep it off. 

However, for Americans who suffer from the crush of obesity and related health issues like diabetes, joint problems and heart disease, Orbera was an unknown. Many news outlets and physicians, including Dr. Darrien Gaston, have worked diligently to educate patients about this minimally-invasive, reversible procedure that helps you learn proper portion control. Still, people considering Orbera have many questions. 

Next week, those questions will be answered! 

On Wednesday, December 7 at 6:00 pm Chicago time, Orbera Systems will be presenting a webinar to explain how the Orbera Managed Weight Loss System works (and it does!), and why it is three times as successful than diet and exercise alone.

Dr. Gaston is inviting you to attend. This webinar is completely confidential. You can access it from the privacy of your own home, on your computer, laptop, tablet or phone. 

The webinar will explain how, with Orbera, there are no incisions, no stitches and no extensive recovery from major surgery. You’ll see details of how the balloon is placed endoscopically - best done by a qualified and precise gastroenterologist like Dr. Gaston - in minutes and how you’ll go home the same day. Orbera will explain how this saline-filled balloon is temporary, removed after about 6 months of weight loss. If you are between 50-100 pounds overweight, you’ll discover how Orbera can change your life. 

After you’ve watched the webinar, call Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants to schedule your free consultation. Dr. Gaston can answer your unique and personal questions, helping you decide if Orbera is the correct choice to meet your weight loss goal. 

Dr. Gaston has already helped dozens of people lose hundreds of pounds. His patient who had his Orbera device removed a week ago lost 73 pounds. In just 5 months, another patient lost 54 pounds. With the Orbera device, supported by exercise, you will lose the weight that’s been holding you back from the life you want to lead! 

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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