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6 to 20 times a day!

It happens to everybody. 

Gas is just a fact of everyone’s life. Bloating, burping and passing gas happens as your stomach and intestines digest the food you’ve eaten. During a meal, burping can happen as you swallow air along with your food. Flatulence, or passing gas, can be a little more embarrassing.

First - you are not alone. Although you may think you have an excessive amount of gas, most people pass gas between 6 and 20 times a day - and that’s perfectly normal. 

Gas is caused by a variety of issues:

Remember that most “harsh” incidents of gas will go away by themselves. Over a period of time, you will see a decrease in flatus events as your body eliminates it. 

If it’s uncomfortable, or just embarrassing in a public location, there are some non-prescription methods to alleviate the symptoms:

To avoid excessive gas, start a diary, tracking what you eat and when you experience the most uncomfortable or unpleasant episodes. Different foods trigger gas in different people, but broccoli, cabbage, beans and bran are common causes. Keep track especially of the relationship between milk and dairy and your episodes that may indicate lactose intolerance.

To avoid swallowing air, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Don’t use straws and avoid talking while chewing. Refrain from chewing gum and hard candies. 

Achieve a healthy weight and exercise regularly to keep your digestive system in top form. 

If you’ve tried all this and still feel that your bloating, burping and flatus is uncomfortable and excessive, make an appointment with Dr. Gaston. You may need a non-invasive screening to exam your digestive system and determine if there are any physical issues contributing to your challenges. 

Any questions about your digestive system? Schedule an online appointment or call. We are always happy to help!

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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